41: A time for compassion and understanding during men's mental health awareness month

June is Men's Mental Health Awareness month. 

Did you know that men commit suicide 4 times more often than women?

It's time for us to stop just dismissing men as emotionally stunted and incapable and start creating a safe space for them to start expressing feelings and needs.


  • Invite the men in your life to share their feelings in a way that feels safe for them by asking them HOW it feels safest for them.
  • Ask them what they want from you while they are sharing. This only works if it works for both of you and each one of you deserves to be heard fully in the way the person intends to be heard.
  • Stop dismissing "all men" as [blank blank] and start opening your mind to that there is a lot more inside them, but it has been tucked away fro years.